Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ok. Here is a rugh timeline of events, as they have occurred. I will update this as events dictate

3/26 - argued with landlord for the last time, when he said "if you don't like my house the way it is, get the hell out".

4/2 - gave notice to the new manager (who seems to be a nice guy. Too bad he's employed by such a schmuck)

4/6 - rented three storage units, so we have someplace to put all our cra... er, possessions, while we live our nomadic existance. Three was for the conveniance of not having to pack so tightly. We will trim down to two, later. Started emptying the house

4/8 - set up tents in two of the storage units. Made sure we had all the stakes and poles, and waterproofed the tents. Lots of silicone spray. Discovered a couple broken poles that need to be replaced. Bought replacement stakes. Our big Jeep brand tent has a problem with zippers in the doors, and the rainfly "windows" are cracked. Hmmm... wonder if we can replace it?

4/10 started looking for campsites, facilities, and general planning on where we will set up our encampment.

4/28 - house is empty, and we started camping at Willow Grove Campground, in Lehi. Rained a bit. tents seem secure.

4/29 - rained all day. After church, we spent a couple hours at a laundromat, drying sleeping bags.

4/30 - snowed. One of the kids tents collapsed. The big tent was starting to come down, just as I stood up and pushed it back up, and shook off the snow that had accumulated. The screen tent was totally collapsed, w/ two broken poles. Back to the store for replacement poles. I guess most tents aren't designed to handle snow...

5/2 broke camp, travelled to Moab for an SCA event called Middle Eastern War, and reset up our encampment there. Much warmer there...

5/5 - Left Moab, and set up camp in the backyard of a good friend, who is graciously allowing us to camp in her backyard till school is out, so it's a little easier to get the kids to school.

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