Friday, May 21, 2010

Why the title?

So far, so good. All seems to be working well.

Ok. Some of you know why I am writing this blog. Others won't. So here is a little background.

We live in Utah, and have for 6 years (this time around). We have rented during this time, mostly houses, and 1 apartment. We have not been pleased with our landlords during this time. Every one of them has been either dishones, a liar, a thief, or a slum lord (some all of the above). Back near the end of March, after a phone argument with our then current lying, deceitful, slumlord landlord, whose name I won't mention (at least just now...), my good wife an I decided we had had enough. No more. No more landlord... No more paying a deceitful greedy money-grubber... No more house.

We decided to move out, and to never pay a landlord as a rentor again.

One problem, though. Our credit is not quite good enough to qualify for a loan without a substantial down payment, and we don't have the down payment.

What to do?

Well, thinking a bit out of the box, we became homeless. We are camping, fully and completely, from the beginning of May (which has already past us, until the end of September. All of the moneys we would ordinarily have paid to lousy, dishonest, lying, deceitful, slumlord landlords, we are going to set aside until we have a large enough downpayment to buy a house.

So far, it has been a bit interesting, but is going well. Details will follow...


  1. I think this is absolutely brilliant!!! I look forward to following along with this adventure. Thank you for being willing to share this with us! Vivat and good luck!

  2. In my official capacity as busy-body extraordinaire, approve of this, and raise a fist of solidarity to you, from the land of beer and cheese.
